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iOS OpenTok audio-video call has video disabled with an undocumented reason on iOS Simulator and routed sessions

While testing on the iOS Simulator a vide call with routed sessions the user gets its video disabled with an undocumented reason.

On the latest version of OpenTok 2.15.3 we can see that the possible reasons for video being disabled are:

typedef NS_ENUM(int32_t, OTSubscriberVideoEventReason) {
    OTSubscriberVideoEventPublisherPropertyChanged = 1,
    OTSubscriberVideoEventSubscriberPropertyChanged = 2,
    OTSubscriberVideoEventQualityChanged = 3

on the iOS 11 simulator, right after trying to subscribe I'm getting the video enabled with OTSubscriberVideoEventReason == 2, right after it gets disabled with OTSubscriberVideoEventReason == 4 and then I get the following error on subscriberDidDisconnectFromStream:

Internal error -- WebRTC subscriber error. 
Failed to set remote offer sdp: 
Session error code: ERROR_CONTENT. 
Session error description: Failed to set remote video description send 

The docs suggested trying to resubscribe, or reconnect... resubscribing didn't work. Furthermore it's only happening on the simulator, which makes me think that there is nothing really wrong with the setup, but the real question here is, what is the OTSubscriberVideoEventReason == 4?


  • TokBox Developer Evangelist here.

    Yes, unfortunately, we didn't publicly document this specific case(sorry about that). We plan on adding this in the 2.16.0 release.

    The reason that OTSubscriberVideoEventReason=4 is dispatched is when the video in the subscriber stream was disabled because the stream uses a video codec (such as H.264) that's not supported on the simulator.