I am using Pelican 4.0.1 (under Debian stretch). In my markdown document I have a short piece of shell code in a codeblock:
foo > bar.txt
Unexpectedly, Pelican turned the >
into the html equivalent >
which is not ideal in a code block:
foo > bar.txt
What am I missing, here?
the above line is what I see in my browser. The actual html source code of the resulting page is foo > bar.txt
– so, aparently, Pelican does the html encoding twice...
After some more research I found out that this indeed a bug in Pelican 4.01 or one of it's dependencies (probably python-markdown). See this issue on github: https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/issues/2493
I also found a workaround that works for me: the bug seems to only affect simple indented codeblocks like this:
some text
foo > bar.txt
more text
The problem does not occur when the triple backtick syntax is used:
some text
foo > bar.txt
more text