I want to do the DFS(Depth First Search) traversal on the call graph generated by llvm i.e. I am using following code, but stuck at how to proceed further?
bool runOnModule(Module &M) override
CallGraph cg = CallGraph(M);
CallGraph::iterator beg = cg.begin();
CallGraph::iterator end = cg.end();
return false;
The above code is only dumping the callGraph. But I want to do DFS traversal on it starting from main method. I am using clang as front end. How to do it?
The depth first traversal is very simple once you learn to use the LLVM graph iterators:
#include <llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h>
bool runOnModule(Module &M) override {
CallGraph CG = CallGraph(M);
for (auto IT = df_begin(&CG), EI = df_end(&CG); IT != EI; IT++) {
if (Function *F = IT->getFunction()) {
dbgs() << "Visiting function: " << F->getName() << "\n";
return false;
From the df_iterator
you can use getPathLength()
and getPath(unsigned)
member functions to check your position during the visitation or even skip a specific sub-tree withskipChildren()
(but be careful with mixing this with the operator++
You can also use the post-order traversal or a strongly connected component iterator.