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FromForm with IFormFile using Core

I want to upload an Image file with Model data so I am using FromForm with IFormFile in core api.

public IActionResult AddData([FromForm] AddDataModel addDataModel, IFormFile formFile)
     // Logic here...

I am using Angular 7 in the frontend side. I am adding model data and file to FormData and trying to send it but It always all model fields values null.

What is the right way to solve this?


  • The formfile has to be inside your AddDataModel csharp class.

    Like this

    public class AddDataModel 
       public IFormFile File { get; set; }
       // more properties

    Then in your angular-service, do the following

    public add(model: AddDataModel): Observable<any> { // file can be passed as parameter or inside typescript model
       const formData = new FormData();
       // optional you can pass a file name as third parameter
       formData.append('file', model.file)
       // add more keys to the form-data
       return<any>('my-http-url', formData);

    Now update the endpoint

    public IActionResult AddData([FromForm] AddDataModel addDataModel)
         // Logic here...

    Now the modelbinder of ASP.NET Core will map the form file retrieved from the form-data.


    Added a simple sample on github ready to be cloned.