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Karate 0.9.1 is not generating cucumber.json which is used for cucumber reports

When using Karate 0.6.1 with cucumber. It is generating test result outputs to cucumber.json file in the path specified in the code.

It is then used for generating the cucumber reports using Masterthought.


@CucumberOptions(monochrome = true, features = "SampleFeature.feature", 
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/site/cucumber-pretty", 
"json:target/cucumber-html-reports/cucumber.json" })

But when we migrated to Karate 0.9.1 to read inputs from csv file. Now, it is failing to generate cucumber.json so the reports are failing with FileNotFoundException.

Attached the plugin for masterthought in pom.xml

                    <!--    optional, per documentation set this to "true" to bypass
                        generation of Cucumber
                        Reports entirely, defaults to false if not specified -->
                        <!-- output
                        directory for the generated report -->
                        <!-- optional, defaults to outputDirectory if not specified -->
                            <!-- supports wildcard or name pattern -->
                    <!--    optional, defaults to outputDirectory if not specified -->
                            supports wildcard or name pattern

Can anyone suggests what is changed from 0.6.1 to 0.9.1?

And what should i be doing to generate cucumber.json file?


  • In Karate 0.9.0 onwards, the only parameters on the annotation supported are features and tags, nothing else. Karate is not based on Cucumber any more.

    The parallel runner, will generate the JSON you are expecting in target/surefire-reports by default. Please read this section of the docs carefully:

    So you have to do the following:

    EDIT - note that in 1.0 onwards, the Cucumber JSON is not output by default: