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How to change structure of existing columns, based on old values during migration?

During development, structure of column has been changed, so it's needed to adopt old users data to new format in production. It looks like issue that can be solved by migration. The problem is, I'm not an experienced ruby specialist, so it would be great to have advice how to implement it.

To make things clear, I'll give an example of what happened in my project.

There is table users. This table contains next columns,

  • id

  • user_type

  • description

description here is just JSON string that looks like that in old implementation,

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • address

After changes, instead of first_name and last_name we have full_name, only for users with type 'customer'.

So, how can I migrate my old data to new format? Thanks.


  • Your respective model User must have following,

    serialize :description, Hash

    Try to write rake in below path,


    namespace :update_users do
      desc 'Update description for full name for all user'
      task update_description: :environment do
        User.all.each do |user|
          user.description[:full_name] = user.description.delete(:first_name) + ' ' + user.description.delete(:last_name)

    And run rake as, rake update_users:update_description

    Perhaps you can run code through rails console,

    User.all.each do |user|
      user.description[:full_name] = user.description.delete(:first_name) + ' ' + user.description.delete(:last_name) false)