I'm stuck trying to cast an NSObject of strings to [String]. I'm using coreData and my transformable is an NSObject. The annoying thing is that it is not enumerable. So my usual tricks do not work. Could anyone help me out?
This should turn into this:
[dried, stewed].
Usual downcasting does not work:
myObject as! [String] :(
Also I noticed that sometimes the error message says it cannot downcast the NSObject and sometimes it says:
Could not cast value of type '__NSSetI' (0x10f101138) to 'NSArray' (0x10f101598).
EDIT: I found a workaround:
let mySet = myObject as! NSSet
let myArr : [String] = mySet.map { $0 as! String } . // yay!
I first cast it to a set to make it enumerable and then I cast it to [String]
What is interesting is that this does not work:
let mySet = myObject as! NSSet
let myArr = mySet as! [String] // nope.
Set and Array are not the same type, you cannot just cast them to each other.
Ideally, you should cast the Objective-C type NSSet
to Swift Set
let mySet = myObject as! Set<String>
If iteration is your only purpose, then this is all you need.
If you really need an array, create a new array from the set:
let myArray = Array(mySet)