I want to sum "Space used (total): 0" for all tables listed by nodetool tablestats metadata. can anyone have idea how to do this? please help.
Desired code: Add Space used (total) value for all tables; like below:
for Table: dbtimestamp
size += value(Space used (total))
Table: dbtimestamp_compressed
size += value((Space used (total))
Table: migration_status
size += value((Space used (total))
nodetool tablestats metadata
Total number of tables: 584
Keyspace : metadata
Read Count: 296
Read Latency: 0.23686486486486488 ms
Write Count: 68611
Write Latency: 0.02151582107825276 ms
Pending Flushes: 0
Table: dbtimestamp
SSTable count: 0
Space used (live): 0
Space used (total): 0
Space used by snapshots (total): 0
Off heap memory used (total): 0
Table: dbtimestamp_compressed
SSTable count: 0
Space used (live): 0
Space used (total): 0
Space used by snapshots (total): 0
Off heap memory used (total): 0
Table: migration_status
SSTable count: 2
Space used (live): 13014
Space used (total): 13014
Space used by snapshots (total): 0
Off heap memory used (total): 80
Table: reporttimestamp_by_type
SSTable count: 2
Space used (live): 121332
Space used (total): 121332
Space used by snapshots (total): 0
Off heap memory used (total): 112
Could you please try following(since you haven't mentioned samples so couldn't test it).
awk '/Space used \(total\)/{sum+=$NF} END{print sum}' Input_file