please some help. In our company we have MOSS 2007 and on separate server active directory with all the users. Let say that we have company domain named and sharepoint server on sharepoint (full path is, but it is everywhere written just sharepoint for location). The server with AD is on It's a simple setup. We successfully connected the with our sharepoint server- and in SSP1 the profile import is working (we can get all the people and new ones are regularly added), importing is working with no errors or warnings in logs. The problem is that when we want to add users in the sharepoint site- there is an error saying: No exact match was found. But existing users on the site can be found in this search box- just cannot add new ones.
Ofcourse we google it- and checked also on this forum for the solutions, and the only thing that we found was with various solutions with Stsadm operations:
Setsiteuseraccountdirectorypath - we tried with:
stsadm -o setsiteuseraccountdirectorypath -path "DC=sharepoint,,DC=local" –url http:// sharepoint and it did not worked
Then with peoplepicker:
stsadm -o setproperty -url http:// sharepoint -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv ",,domain\username,password"
stsadm -o setproperty -url http:// sharepoint -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv ",domain:sharepoint,domain\username,password"
stsadm -o setproperty -url http:// sharepoint -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv "domain:sharepoint,domain\username,password"
stsadm -o setproperty -url http:// sharepoint -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv ",domain\username,password"
they all did not worked
Kindly appreciate for your help. Cheers
Problem solved!
What was the issue?
Well it helped for me- hope it will help you. Cheers