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Why the does this shrink tree looks the way it does when using filter

I'm trying to understand what is the effect that filter has in the shrink tree of a generator when using hedgehog integrated shrinking.

Consider the following function:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen

aFilteredchar:: Gen Char
aFilteredchar =
  Gen.filter (`elem` ("x" :: String)) (Gen.element "yx")

When a print the shrink tree:

>>>  Gen.printTree aFilteredchar

I'd get shrink trees that look as follow:



this is, a very deep tree containing only x's, and a discard at the end.

Why does the shrink function keeps on returning x's, instead of an empty list, which signals that there are no further shrinks possible?


  • Gen is essentially a composition of a probability monad and a tree monad, and the behavior you observe mostly arises from the tree monad and the definition of Gen.filter.

    Basically, Gen.filter p g is a simple monadic loop, try 0 where:

    -- simplified body of filter
    try k =
      if k > 100 then
        discard  -- empty tree
      else do
        x <- g
        if p x then
          pure x  -- singleton tree
          try (k + 1)  -- keep looping

    So to understand the tree you got, you must understand the tree monad under the do notation here.

    The tree monad

    The Tree type in hedgehog that is internally used by Gen looks roughly like this (if you are looking at the linked implementation in hedgehog, set m ~ Maybe):

    data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]  -- node label and children

    There are many other Tree-like types that are monads, and the monadic bind (>>=) generally takes the form of a tree substitution.

    Say you have a tree t = Node x [t1, t2, ...] :: Tree a, and a continuation/substitution k :: a -> Tree b, which replaces every node/variable x :: a with the tree k x :: Tree b. We can describe t >>= k in two steps, fmap then join, as follows. First the fmap applies the substitution on every node label. So we obtain a tree where every node is labeled by another tree. For concreteness, say k x = Node y [u1, u2, ...]:

    fmap k t
      (k x)                        -- node label
      [fmap k t1, fmap k t2, ...]  -- node children
      (Node y [u1, u2, ...])       -- node label
      [fmap k t1, fmap k t2, ...]  -- node children

    Then the join step flattens the nested tree structure, concatenating the children from inside the label with those outside:

    t >>= k
    join (fmap k t)
      ([join (fmap k t1), join (fmap k t2), ...] ++ [u1, u2, ...])

    To complete the Monad instance, note that we have pure x = Node x [].

    The try loop

    Now that we have some intuition for the tree monad we can turn to your particular generator. We want to evaluate try k above, where p = (== 'x') and g = elements "yx". I'm waving my hands here, but you should imagine that g evaluates randomly to either the tree Node 'y' [] (generate 'y' with no shrinkings), aka. pure 'y', or Node 'x' [Node 'y' []] (generate 'x' and shrink to 'y'; indeed, "elements shrinks to the left"), and that every occurence of g is independent from others, so we get a different result when we retry.

    Let's examine each case separately. What happens if g = pure 'y'? Assume k <= 100 so we're in the else branch of the toplevel if, already simplified away below:

    -- simplified body of filter
    try k = do
        c <- pure 'y'     -- g = pure 'y'
        if c == 'x' then  -- p c = (c == 'x')
          pure c
          try (k + 1)
    -- since   (do c <- pure 'y' ; s c) = s 'y'  (monad law)   and   ('y' == 'x') = False
    try k = try (k + 1)

    So all the times where g evaluates to pure 'y' end up simplified away as the recursive term try (k + 1), and we are left with the cases where g evaluates to the other tree Node 'x' [Node 'y' []]:

    try k = do
      c <- Node 'x' [Node 'y' []]  -- g
      if c == 'x' then
        pure c
        try (k + 1)

    As illustrated in the previous section, the monadic bind is equivalent to the following, and we finish with some equational reasoning.

    try k = join (Node (s 'x') [Node (s 'y') []])
        s c = if c == 'x' then pure c else try (k + 1)
    try k = join (Node (pure 'x') [Node (try (k + 1)) []])
    try k = join (Node (pure 'x') [pure (try (k + 1))]  -- simplifying join
    try k = Node 'x' [join (pure (try (k + 1)))]        -- join . pure = id
    try k = Node 'x' [try (k + 1)]

    In summary, starting from try 0, with half probability try k = try (k + 1), and with the other half try k = Node 'x' [try (k + 1)], finally we stop at try 100. This explains the tree you observe.

    try 0 = Node 'x' [Node 'x' [ ... ]]  -- about 50 nodes

    (I believe this also provides at least a partial answer to your other question, since this shows how shrinking a Gen.filter often amounts to rerunning the generator from scratch.)