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.Net CAD: cui file load

When I load the cui file,CAD pop an error that can not find the file.

I am searching for a long time on net. But no use.Please help me.

Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

        object oldCmdEcho = Application.GetSystemVariable("CMDECHO");

        object oldFileDia = Application.GetSystemVariable("FILEDIA");

        Application.SetSystemVariable("CMDECHO", 0);

        Application.SetSystemVariable("FILEDIA", 0);

        doc.SendStringToExecute("_.cuiload " + cuiFile + " ", false, false, false);

        doc.SendStringToExecute("(setvar \"FILEDIA\" " + oldFileDia.ToString() + ")(princ) ", false, false, false);

        doc.SendStringToExecute("(setvar \"CMDECHO\" " + oldCmdEcho.ToString() + ")(princ) ", false, false, false);

Ive tried multiple variations of this, but none of them seem to work. Any ideas? Please comment to help me.


  • At the moment, if the filename cuiFile includes spaces, then the string passed to doc.SendStringToExecute probably isn't treating your filename as a single string. So just like you have with the setvar calls, wrap the filename in quotes:

    doc.SendStringToExecute("_.cuiload \"" + cuiFile + "\" ", false, false, false);

    This should result in the filename being passed as a single string, something like : _.cuiload "C:\\Program Files\\srctrunk\\srcTrunk\\srcTrunk\\Debug32\\TX_Menu.cuix"