I'm new to Tibco SpotFire, so please forgive any mistakes in terminology, etc.
I have a line chart with two columns from the data table selected to be shown on the y-axis. I would like to make an itemized menu where you can select one item at a time, such that which two data columns are shown on the y-axis is a function of which item in the itemized menu is chosen.
For example, let's say my data table column names are Col_1
, Col_2
, Col_3
, Col_4
, Col_5
, and Col_6
. I want to make an itemized selection menu with items A
, B
, and C
, such that...
is selected, Col_1
and Col_2
are the data columns used by the y-axis.B
is selected, Col_3
and Col_4
are the data columns used by the y-axis.C
is selected, Col_5
and Col_6
are the data columns used by the y-axis.How can I accomplish this? Currently, I know neither how to make an itemized selection menu at all, nor how to link the y-axis data columns to it.
Thanks for any help.
P.S. I'm betting there is a technical name for what I'm calling an "itemized selection menu" above. If someone knows what it is, please let me know and I will edit this post accordingly.
You'll need a text box and a line chart. In the text box, add a Property Control (Drop-down list). You'll want to create a new document property that looks something like this:
After that, you'll need to tie in the Document Property to your plot. Some code like the following should achieve what you are looking for:
case when DocumentProperty("Selector")="Col1Col2" then Sum([X])
when DocumentProperty("Selector")="Col3Col4" then Sum([Y])
when DocumentProperty("Selector")="Col5Col6" then Sum([Z])
case when DocumentProperty("Selector")="Col1Col2" then Sum([XX])
when DocumentProperty("Selector")="Col3Col4" then Sum([YY])
when DocumentProperty("Selector")="Col5Col6" then Sum([ZZ])
Where column [X] and [XX] would be tied to "Col1Col2" and so on. Now, selecting "A" from the drop down in the text box will plot [X] and [XX] on your plot.