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Read CSV into array

In Julia, using CSV.jl, it is possible to read a DataFrame from a .csv file:

using CSV

df ="data.csv", delim=",")

However, how can I instead read a CSV file into an Vector{Float64} data type?


  • You can use the DelimitedFiles module from stdlib:

    julia> using DelimitedFiles
    julia> s = """
    julia> b = IOBuffer(s)
    IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, append=false, size=17, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)
    julia> readdlm(b, ',', Float64)
    3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
     1.0  2.0  3.0
     4.0  5.0  6.0
     7.0  8.0  9.0

    I am showing you the example reading from IOBuffer to be fully reproducible, but you can also read data from file. In the docstring of readdlm you can find more details about the available options.

    Notice that you will get Matrix{Float64} not Vector{Float64}, but I understand that this is what you wanted. If not then in order to convert a matrix into a vector you can call vec function on it after reading the data in.


    This is how you can read back a Matrix using CSV.jl:

    julia> df = DataFrame(rand(2,3))
    2×3 DataFrame
    │ Row │ x1        │ x2       │ x3       │
    │     │ Float64   │ Float64  │ Float64  │
    │ 1   │ 0.0444818 │ 0.570981 │ 0.608709 │
    │ 2   │ 0.47577   │ 0.675344 │ 0.500577 │
    julia> CSV.write("test.csv", df)
    julia> CSV.File("test.csv") |> Tables.matrix
    2×3 Array{Float64,2}:
     0.0444818  0.570981  0.608709
     0.47577    0.675344  0.500577