I'm currently trying to use multiple words options with click:
@click.option('--do-not-destroy', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Do not destroy Selenium containers on exit')
@click.option('--run-tests', default=True, help="Run the tests.")
def main(do-not-destroy, run-tests):
Typically, I want to have an option that is called 'do-not-destroy'. Since the names of the parameters of the decorated function should be the name of the option, the parameter should be called 'do-not-destroy'.
Obviously, this parameter name is not valid.
Is there a way to tell click the name of the parameter it should use for an option (e.g. do_not_destroy)?
Click maps any options/arguments with dashes (-
) to underscores (_
). So:
def main(do_not_destroy):
def hello(opt_with_dashes):
"""A Simple program"""
click.echo('Opt w/ Dashes: {}'.format(opt_with_dashes))
if __name__ == '__main__':
hello('--opt-with-dashes OPTION'.split())
Opt w/ Dashes: OPTION