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How to resolve : javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource cannot be cast to [BonitaSoft]

I'm trying to create a task in BonitaSoft and connect it to a webService created using Spring Boot I finished all the steps and when i want to test my web service i get this Error : enter image description here

I can see that the Web service is running or consumed here : enter image description here

So the problem is when i want to get the result, ... here is the code where I parse the XML to get the result :

enter image description here

if you need any additional information please feel free to ask


  • This warning message tell you that when the Studio test the execution of the connector it will not be able to deal with connector output that are not Serializable.

    If you add one or several Groovy script(s) to process the connector output(s) they will not be used when testing the connector in the Studio.

    Your only option to actually verify that you get the expected output is to run the whole process (or run the connector outside the Studio but that would require to add some stubs for Bonita Engine execution context).