Update: Included a small adjustment thanks to replies, see below.
I'm trying to load an random list in the title of my webpage (base template). I was able to get this running using Super. However, at this point this is done for every view.
This seems illogical. As an amateur I have trouble finding out if this is true and/or if I am even right (I have some trouble interpreting the technical descriptions..).
Could someone push me in the right direction?
List generation:
def generatetraits():
traits = ["trait1", "trait2", "trait3", "trait4", "trait5", "trait6",
"trait7", "trait8", "trait9", "trait10", "trait11"]
traitlist = ""
for i in range(0, 3):
if (i == 0) or (i == 1):
traitlist = traitlist + (traits[i] + " | ")
traitlist = traitlist + (traits[i] + " ")
return traitlist
SomeView example:
class SomeView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'about.html'
traitlist = generatetraits()
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(SomeView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context.update({'traits': self.traitlist})
return context
Base template implementation:
<div class="title">
<p> {{traits}} </p>
All pages/views are extended from the base. This makes it logical to me (as amateur;)) that it is just wrong to do this for every view.
Context call has been shortend to:
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
return {'traits': generatetraits()}
The solution was setting up a context processor as pointed out by @solarissmoke.
This processor ended up as:
def headertaggen(request):
traits = ["trait1", "trait2", "trait3", "trait4", "trait5", "trait6"]
return {'traits': ' | '.join(traits[:3:])}
The key 'traits' is than called in the base template which is populated by all other templates.
Thanks for the help everyone!