I am displaying text in a textview without using toString(), to keep the formatting(bold, underline, italics) within the text. But now I want to set different font sizes to _etheadertext
String header = _etheadertext.getText() + "\n" + _etheadertext3.getText() + "\n" + _etheadertext4.getText() + "\n" + _etheadertext5.getText();
You can use text Spans to apply formatting to parts of a string.
SpannableString spannablecontent=new SpannableString(content.toString());
//set a Style Span to apply Typeface style
spannablecontent.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC),
0,spannablecontent.length(), 0);
You can set RelativeSizeSpan to change the text sizes if required.
And then finally, set the spanned string in a TextView.