Starting with two images im1
and im2
created with the PIL module, we have the corresponding black and white images,
bw_im1 = im1.convert('1')
bw_im2 = im2.convert('1')
Each pixel of bw_im2
and bw_im2
is either 0 or 256.
Suppose both bw_im2
and bw_im2
have the same size.
How do you XOR all the corresponding entries and then sum them up?
My Work
I wrote the following stub / proof of concept Python program, but worried that using the code (unpacking/translating over) would be complicated. There might be a more direct and efficient way to process the pixels in the two images.
import numpy as np
M = np.zeros((2, 3))
M[0,2] = 255
M[1,0] = 255
M[1,1] = 255
N = np.zeros((2, 3))
N = np.zeros((2, 3))
N[0,2] = 255
N[1,1] = 255
N[1,2] = 255
list_M = list(M)
list_N = list(N)
xor_signal = 0
for row in range(0, len(list_M)):
for col in range(0,len(list_M[row])):
xor_signal = xor_signal + int(bool(list_M[row][col]) != bool(list_N[row][col]))
[[ 0. 0. 255.]
[255. 255. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 255.]
[ 0. 255. 255.]]
You can use PIL's ImageChops like this:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
# Open images
im1 ="im1.png")
im2 ="im2.png")
result = ImageChops.logical_xor(im1,im2)'result.png')
So, if you start with these two:
The result will be:
Of course, if you are a physicist, you can write that like this ;-)
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
Or you can use Numpy's XOR like this:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Open images
im1 ="im1.png")
im2 ="im2.png")
# Make into Numpy arrays
im1np = np.array(im1)*255
im2np = np.array(im2)*255
# XOR with Numpy
result = np.bitwise_xor(im1np, im2np).astype(np.uint8)
# Convert back to PIL image and save
You can sum the pixels by adding this at the end:
print('Sum: {}'.format(np.sum(result)))
Or you can not bother writing any Python and just type the following ImageMagick command into your Terminal:
magick im1.png im2.png -evaluate-sequence xor result.png
If you are using v6, or older, use the following instead:
convert im1.png im2.png -evaluate-sequence xor result.png