I'm implementing a http/2 proxy myself, and I'm using Nginx as load balancer.
When I use Nginx as h2c load balancer, it works:
server {
listen 8443 http2;
location / {
error_log /Users/jiajun/nginx_error_log.log debug;
grpc_pass grpc://;
Run it:
$ go run example/grpc_client/main.go
calling to
2019/01/28 11:50:46 gonna call c.SayHello...
2019/01/28 11:50:46 Greeting: Hello world
And Nginx access log is: - - [28/Jan/2019:11:50:46 +0800] "POST /helloworld.Greeter/SayHello HTTP/2.0" 200 18 "-" "grpc-go/1.16.0" "-"
But it does not work while I'm serving it under SSL:
server {
listen 8443 ssl http2;
ssl_certificate /Users/jiajun/;
ssl_certificate_key /Users/jiajun/;
location / {
error_log /Users/jiajun/nginx_error_log.log debug;
grpc_pass grpc://;
Run it:
$ go run example/grpc_client/main.go
calling to
2019/01/28 11:53:06 gonna call c.SayHello...
2019/01/28 11:53:06 could not greet: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
exit status 1
And, Nginx access log is: - - [28/Jan/2019:11:53:06 +0800] "PRI * HTTP/2.0" 400 157 "-" "-" "-"
So I'm trying to find out why it return a 400 while I'm using SSL. But Nginx does not record the process in error log even I've set log level to debug(and it had compiled with --with-debug
Is there any good idea to debug it?
Looks like Nginx doesn’t think it’s talking HTTP/2 as the go client is sending the connection preface message ("PRI * HTTP/2.0"
) which Nginx thinks is a real message.
The likely issue is that Nginx has not stated in the SSL/TLS handshake that it supports HTTP/2 via ALPN (or the older NPN). Which version of OpenSSL (or equivalent) was Nginx built with? Run nginx -V
to see this. Ideally you want 1.0.2 or above to support ALPN.
Also check that your SSL/TLS cipher is not using one of the ciphers forbidden for HTTP/2. Config like below (generated by the Mozilla SSL config generator) should ensure the right ciphers are preferred:
# modern configuration. tweak to your needs.
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;