Attempting to create a cocoapod that utilizes an .scnassets
folder. The folder is imported into Resources
without any problems with the children objects, but I can't find a way to load the .dae files into an SCNScene
. From my understanding there may be a problem with how XCode converts .dae into .scn assets.
.podspec includes:
s.resource_bundles = {
'ARUtilsScenes' => ['ARUtils/Assets/ARScenes.scnassets']
which properly loads the ARScenes.scnassets into Resources
folder. I'm attempting to load a scene inside of my Pod (inside the pod and not a project that uses the pod, and have tried a variety of methods):
let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "arrow.dae")
let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "Resources/ARScenes.scnassets/arrow.dae")
let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "arrow.dae", inDirectory: "Resources/ARScenes.scnassets", options: nil)
I've tried a variety of file/folder names, and am able to load images but I'm not able to get a .dae loaded as an SCNScene
. Do I need to add .xib files to my resource_bundles, or is there some other way to ensure .scnassets folder properly compiles these .dae to .scn as well as make them available for loading into an SCNScene
Suppose ZARKit
is your framework distributed in CocoaPods.
s.resource_bundles = {
'ARUtilsScenes' => ['ARUtils/Assets/ARScenes.scnassets']
then you should do this
let bundle = Bundle(for: #Your Class#.self).
let resourcePath = bundle.path(forResource: <#T##String?#>, ofType: <#T##String?#>)
let resourceBundle = Bundle(path: resourcePath)
let url = resourceBundle.url(forResource: "ARScenes.scnassets/<#YourResourceName-arrow#>", withExtension: "<#scn#>")
let arrowScene = SCNScene(url: url)
edit: by Z. Bagley
// find bundle based on existing class in pod
let frameworkBundle = Bundle(for: ARUtilsClass.self) //ARUtilsClass is an empty class, Pod is only extensions for existing classes
// append the scenes bundle, scnassets, and scn/dae
let arrowURL = frameworkBundle.resourceURL?.appendingPathComponent("ARUtilsScenes.bundle/ARScenes.scnassets/newArrow.scn")
// create a node in parent
var arrow = SCNNode()
do {
// get arrow scene from bundle
let bundleArrowScene = try SCNScene(url: (arrowURL)!, options: nil)
// add arrow node from scene
arrow = bundleArrowScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "arrow", recursively: true)!
} catch {
print("failed to find arrow resource")