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Swift 4.2 - Cocoapods: Adding and accessing scnassets in resource_bundles

Attempting to create a cocoapod that utilizes an .scnassets folder. The folder is imported into Resources without any problems with the children objects, but I can't find a way to load the .dae files into an SCNScene. From my understanding there may be a problem with how XCode converts .dae into .scn assets.

.podspec includes:

  s.resource_bundles = {
      'ARUtilsScenes' => ['ARUtils/Assets/ARScenes.scnassets']

which properly loads the ARScenes.scnassets into Resources folder. I'm attempting to load a scene inside of my Pod (inside the pod and not a project that uses the pod, and have tried a variety of methods):

let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "arrow.dae")

let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "Resources/ARScenes.scnassets/arrow.dae")

let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "arrow.dae", inDirectory: "Resources/ARScenes.scnassets", options: nil)

I've tried a variety of file/folder names, and am able to load images but I'm not able to get a .dae loaded as an SCNScene. Do I need to add .xib files to my resource_bundles, or is there some other way to ensure .scnassets folder properly compiles these .dae to .scn as well as make them available for loading into an SCNScene?


  • Suppose ZARKit is your framework distributed in CocoaPods.

    .podspec includes:

    s.resource_bundles = {
          'ARUtilsScenes' => ['ARUtils/Assets/ARScenes.scnassets']

    then you should do this

    let bundle = Bundle(for: #Your Class#.self).
    let resourcePath = bundle.path(forResource: <#T##String?#>, ofType: <#T##String?#>)
    let resourceBundle = Bundle(path: resourcePath)
    let url = resourceBundle.url(forResource: "ARScenes.scnassets/<#YourResourceName-arrow#>", withExtension: "<#scn#>")
    let arrowScene = SCNScene(url: url)

    edit: by Z. Bagley

    Accepted answer, but this was the actual code I used:

            // find bundle based on existing class in pod
            let frameworkBundle = Bundle(for: ARUtilsClass.self) //ARUtilsClass is an empty class, Pod is only extensions for existing classes
            // append the scenes bundle, scnassets, and scn/dae
            let arrowURL = frameworkBundle.resourceURL?.appendingPathComponent("ARUtilsScenes.bundle/ARScenes.scnassets/newArrow.scn")
            // create a node in parent
            var arrow = SCNNode()
            do {
                // get arrow scene from bundle
                let bundleArrowScene = try SCNScene(url: (arrowURL)!, options: nil)
                // add arrow node from scene
                arrow = bundleArrowScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "arrow", recursively: true)!
            } catch {
                print("failed to find arrow resource")