I can't find this in the archives. Is there something not right with mingw/msys? [I need to get vcvarsall.bat fixed, so I can install other packages.]
Failure to install python package 'twisted' using pip.exe.
I have python2.6 and mingw/msys installed.
%PATH% includes C:\MinGW\
and C:\MinGW\mingw32\bin
first: pip.exe install twisted
fails by saying error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
I create file G:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg
, which contains:
Now the error I get is:
g:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6>python Scripts\pip-script.py install twisted
Downloading/unpacking twisted
Running setup.py egg_info for package twisted
Downloading/unpacking zope.interface (from twisted)
Running setup.py egg_info for package zope.interface
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools in g:\progr
ams (x86)\python 2.6\lib\site-packages (from zope.interface->twisted)
Installing collected packages: twisted, zope.interface
Running setup.py install for twisted
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python
2.6\include" "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\PC" -c conftest.c -o conftest.o
conftest.c:1:21: fatal error: rpc/rpc.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python
2.6\include" "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\PC" -c conftest.c -o conftest.o
conftest.c:1:23: fatal error: sys/epoll.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
building 'twisted.protocols._c_urlarg' extension
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall -DWIN32=1 "-Ig:\Programs (x8
6)\Python 2.6\include" "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\PC" -c twisted/protocols/
_c_urlarg.c -o build\temp.win32-2.6\Release\twisted\protocols\_c_urlarg.o
twisted/protocols/_c_urlarg.c: In function 'unquote':
twisted/protocols/_c_urlarg.c:41:50: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialize
d in this function
C:\MinGW\bin\dllwrap.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -static --output-lib build\temp.w
in32-2.6\Release\twisted\protocols\lib_c_urlarg.a --def build\temp.win32-2.6\Rel
ease\twisted\protocols\_c_urlarg.def -s build\temp.win32-2.6\Release\twisted\pro
tocols\_c_urlarg.o "-Lg:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\libs" "-Lg:\Programs (x86)\Py
thon 2.6\PCbuild" -lpython26 -lmsvcr90 -o build\lib.win32-2.6\twisted\protocols\
_c_urlarg.exp: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dllwrap: gcc exited with status 1
error: command 'dllwrap' failed with exit status 1
Complete output from command "g:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\python.exe" -c "i
mport setuptools;__file__='g:\\Programs (x86)\\Python 2.6\\build\\twisted\\setup
.py';execfile(__file__)" install --single-version-externally-managed --record c:
running install
running build
running build_py
running egg_info
writing requirements to Twisted.egg-info\requires.txt
writing Twisted.egg-info\PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to Twisted.egg-info\top_level.txt
writing dependency_links to Twisted.egg-info\dependency_links.txt
reading manifest file 'Twisted.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'Twisted.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\
include" "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\PC" -c conftest.c -o conftest.o
conftest.c:1:21: fatal error: rpc/rpc.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\
include" "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\PC" -c conftest.c -o conftest.o
conftest.c:1:23: fatal error: sys/epoll.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
building 'twisted.protocols._c_urlarg' extension
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall -DWIN32=1 "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\P
ython 2.6\include" "-Ig:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\PC" -c twisted/protocols/_c_u
rlarg.c -o build\temp.win32-2.6\Release\twisted\protocols\_c_urlarg.o
twisted/protocols/_c_urlarg.c: In function 'unquote':
twisted/protocols/_c_urlarg.c:41:50: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in
this function
writing build\temp.win32-2.6\Release\twisted\protocols\_c_urlarg.def
C:\MinGW\bin\dllwrap.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -static --output-lib build\temp.win32
-2.6\Release\twisted\protocols\lib_c_urlarg.a --def build\temp.win32-2.6\Release
\twisted\protocols\_c_urlarg.def -s build\temp.win32-2.6\Release\twisted\protoco
ls\_c_urlarg.o "-Lg:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\libs" "-Lg:\Programs (x86)\Python
2.6\PCbuild" -lpython26 -lmsvcr90 -o build\lib.win32-2.6\twisted\protocols\_c_u
_c_urlarg.exp: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dllwrap: gcc exited with status 1
warning: manifest_maker: standard file '-c' not found
error: command 'dllwrap' failed with exit status 1
Command "g:\Programs (x86)\Python 2.6\python.exe" -c "import setuptools;__file__
='g:\\Programs (x86)\\Python 2.6\\build\\twisted\\setup.py';execfile(__file__)"
install --single-version-externally-managed --record c:\users\jake\appdata\local
\temp\pip-3y_c1e-record\install-record.txt failed with error code 1
Storing complete log in C:\Users\jake\AppData\Roaming\pip\pip.log
This is likely a bug with Python. See http://bugs.python.org/issue2698
Meanwhile, you could install ActivePython and install Twisted via PyPM (no compilers needed).
Alternatively, you can use the official binary ... though I recommend the aforementioned solution as you can easily 'upgrade' to newer versions of Twisted in future.