Okay the title may be confusing and thats because im a beginner in typo3.
So i set up a empty typo3 project via composer.
Now i want to write my typoscript "code" in my project files and not directley in the backend.
I added a template to a page and in the setup i started to define some page objects.
My problem is:
How do i tell typo3 to use the code that i write in my files rather then the code that is in the backend. Also where should i put my typoscrip files. I have them like this.
Also im a bit confused on why my ext directory is empty (besides what i added)
So i would like to move this code
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page {
bodyTag = <body>
meta.AUTHOR = My Name
meta.DESCRIPTION = My Website
To my Project file, and not do any editing in the backend.
Thank you this is my first time posting :)
First of all, your project extension (let it call sitepackage) is missing some files. At least an ExtensionManager configuration file ext_emconf.php in the root of your extension 'typo3conf/ext/website' and for composer based TYPO3 installation also a Composer configuration composer.json. See documentation here https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/SitePackageTutorial/ExtensionConfiguration/Index.html#directory-and-file-structure
To get started with your own sitepackagae extension have a look at https://sitepackagebuilder.com/ which helps to kickstart. It will create folder and files, which you may not need, but gives you an impression, which is best practice for file and folders inside your TYPO3 extension.
In your Installation you need to create a root template at your root page. See documentation here https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TemplatingTutorial/7.6/Tasks/WorkingTypoScript/TypoScriptTemplate/Index.html#create-a-new-typoscript-template
Your sitepackage extension should includes TypoScript files under Configuration/TypoScript/, which you can include manually in root TypoScript template at your root page.
for constants
and setup
There are also other different ways to initial load TypoScript. See for example documentation here: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/SitePackageTutorial/ExtensionConfiguration/Index.html
A description on how to load TypoScript without any root template in backend published here https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/Snippets/2017/Index.html#root-typoscript-without-database