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Why the Shift+Ctrl+e causing e underlined and start emoji input (linux)?

Why when i am inside chrome browser for example, when i want to center text using Shift+Ctrl+E key combination it causes appearing e̲ and if i type e̲j̲o̲y̲ and press Enter on keyboard it causes appearing emoji 😂. How i can simply fix it?


  • You need to check if you have ibus installed. Firstly you should type in terminal:


    If some window appears you should go to Emoji tab and delete key combination enter image description here



    enter image description here

    If you have nothing like ibus-setup available in your terminal go to your home directory

    cd ~/

    Look if you have .profile file there. If no you can create one if yes open it and add:

    #My modifications
    export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"
    export QT_IM_MODULE="xim"
    export XMODIFIERS="@im=xim"
    #End of my modifications

    Save the file and logout and login or reboot your computer. Next time when you will start chrome you will be able to use Shift + Ctrl + E key combination.