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Annonate fields created in a stdClass?

class Foo
    public function bar(): \stdClass
        $obj = new \stdClass;
        $obj->test = 'test';
        return $obj;

When doing $foo = new Foo;, is it possible to annotate Phpdoc so that the IDE can autocomplete to $foo->bar()->test?


  • I'm sorry, there's currently no way to document associative arrays or stdClass objects in phpDocumentor or custom annotations formats understood by NetBeans.

    From a design perspective, perhaps it could make sense to use proper classes:

    class Bar
         * @var string
        public $test;
    class Foo
        public function bar(): Bar
            $obj = new Bar;
            $obj->test = 'test';
            return $obj;

    If you need no logic at all, the classes can be empty:

     * @property string $test
    class Bar

    Otherwise, you can always trick the IDE with a stub file that defines a fake class but is never actually executed and then pretend that your variable belongs to that class:

    $foo = new Foo;
    /* @var $bar Bar *//** @var Bar $bar */
    $bar = $foo->bar();

    … where /* @var $bar Bar */ is for NetBeans 8 and earlier and /** @var Bar $bar */ for NetBeans 10 (and many other IDEs).