I have a problem with copying files, if file exists in target directory, overwrite it, else do nothing. But I'm getting this error message:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll The process cannot access the file [PATH]/TaskRepository.cs because it is being used by another process.
I haven't found a solution for hours even. Looked for other topics on stackoverflow but couldn't figure out. My code is here
public void EditFiles(List<string> OriginalFiles, List<string> TargetFiles)
foreach (var original in OriginalFiles)
int i = 0;
int index = original.LastIndexOf(@"\");
if (original.Substring(index).Contains("TaskRepository.cs"))
while (i < TargetFiles.Count)
if (TargetFiles[i].Contains("TaskRepository.cs") == true)
File.Copy(original, TargetFiles[i], true);
I would try copying the files you want to work with to a separate folder. Visual Studio is most likely the culprit but it could be anything locking the files.