I read the docs, but it does not really deal with the type of functions I come across in the projects I manage. Something like this:
class ReallyLongChildClassName(Parent):
def complex_function_name(self, obj=None):
if self.condition:
return 'bar'
return super(ReallyLongChildClassName, self).complex_function_name(request, obj)
The last line clearly exceeds the 79 characters length which is specified. What is the correct way to break these type of functions? I am talking about the ones that use the .
operator to call more functions.
I have a few different ideas, but don't really know which one is the standard way. For example:
class ReallyLongChildClassName(Parent):
def complex_function_name(self, obj=None):
if self.condition:
return 'bar'
return super(
).complex_function_name(request, obj)
As long as you keep proper indentations and line length everything is ok. There is no single, best style, you can choose it according to your taste :)
There are tools for formatting code and one I would recommend for you is Black (https://github.com/ambv/black).