I am quite new to swift and Xcode however, I have been programming in other languages for several years. I am trying to procedurally create a 3D mesh in SceneKit (iOS). My code works as expected however, when running the application the generated object renders a flat black colour, ignoring all lighting. I have also added a cube to the scene to show that the scene lighting is working.
I would imagine that there is either a problem with the shader or that I need to define the normals of the geometry to fix this. I have tried playing around with a few properties of the SCNMaterial, but they don't seem to change anything.
If it is just a case of defining the normals, please could you advise how I would do this in Swift / SceneKit. Or perhaps I have missed something else, any help would be much appreciated.
Screenshot below:
My code below:
public static func CreateMesh (size: CGFloat, resolution: CGFloat) -> SCNNode? {
let axisCount = Int(floor(size / resolution))
let bottomLeft = CGVector(
dx: CGFloat(-(axisCount / 2)) * resolution,
dy: CGFloat(-(axisCount / 2)) * resolution
var verts = Array(
repeating: Array(
repeating: (i: Int(0), pos: SCNVector3.init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0)),
count: axisCount),
count: axisCount
var vertsStream = [SCNVector3]()
var i : Int = 0
for x in 0...axisCount-1 {
for y in 0...axisCount-1 {
verts[x][y] = (
x: Float(bottomLeft.dx + CGFloat(x) * resolution),
y: Float.random(in: 0..<0.1),
z: Float(bottomLeft.dy + CGFloat(y) * resolution)
i += 1
var tris = [(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)]()
var trisStream = [UInt16]()
for x in 0...axisCount - 2 {
for y in 0...axisCount - 2 {
// Quad
a: verts[x][y].i,
b: verts[x][y+1].i,
c: verts[x+1][y+1].i
a: verts[x+1][y+1].i,
b: verts[x+1][y].i,
c: verts[x][y].i
for t in tris {
// Create scene element
let geometrySource = SCNGeometrySource(vertices: vertsStream)
let geometryElement = SCNGeometryElement(indices: trisStream, primitiveType: .triangles)
let geometryFinal = SCNGeometry(sources: [geometrySource], elements: [geometryElement])
let node = SCNNode(geometry: geometryFinal)
let mat = SCNMaterial()
mat.diffuse.intensity = 1
mat.lightingModel = .blinn
mat.blendMode = .replace
node.geometry?.materials = [mat]
return node
After a lot of searching I managed to find a post with a line of code that looks something like this:
let gsNormals = SCNGeometrySource(normals: normalStream)
So from there I managed to work out how to set the surface normals. It seems like there really isn't a lot of online content / learning material when it comes to the more advanced topics like this in Xcode / Swift, which is quite unfortunate.
I have set it up to create a parabolic shape plane, just for testing. But this code will be used to generate a mesh from a height map, which should now be easy to implement. I think it's pretty useful code, so I have included it below incase anyone else ever has the same issue that I did.
public static func CreateMesh (size: CGFloat, resolution: CGFloat) -> SCNNode? {
let axisCount = Int(floor(size / resolution))
let bottomLeft = CGVector(
dx: CGFloat(-(axisCount / 2)) * resolution,
dy: CGFloat(-(axisCount / 2)) * resolution
/// Verticies ///
var verts = Array(
repeating: Array(
repeating: (i: Int(0), pos: SCNVector3.init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0)),
count: axisCount),
count: axisCount
var vertsStream = [SCNVector3]()
var i = 0
for x in 0...axisCount - 1 {
for y in 0...axisCount - 1 {
var dx = axisCount / 2 - x
dx = dx * dx
var dy = axisCount / 2 - y
dy = dy * dy
let yVal = Float(Double(dx + dy) * 0.0125)
verts[x][y] = (
i: i,
pos: SCNVector3(
x: Float(bottomLeft.dx + CGFloat(x) * resolution),
//y: Float.random(in: 0..<0.1),
y: yVal,
z: Float(bottomLeft.dy + CGFloat(y) * resolution)
i += 1
/// Triangles ///
var tris = [(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)]()
var trisStream = [UInt32]()
for x in 0...axisCount - 2 {
for y in 0...axisCount - 2 {
// Quad
a: verts[x][y].i,
b: verts[x][y+1].i,
c: verts[x+1][y].i
a: verts[x+1][y].i,
b: verts[x][y+1].i,
c: verts[x+1][y+1].i
for t in tris {
/// Normals ///
var normalStream = [SCNVector3]()
for x in 0...axisCount - 1 {
for y in 0...axisCount - 1 {
// calculate normal vector perp to average plane
let leftX = x == 0 ? 0 : x - 1
let rightX = x == axisCount - 1 ? axisCount - 1 : x + 1
let leftY = y == 0 ? 0 : y - 1
let rightY = y == axisCount - 1 ? axisCount - 1 : y + 1
let avgXVector = float3(verts[rightX][y].pos) - float3(verts[leftX][y].pos)
let avgYVector = float3(verts[x][rightY].pos) - float3(verts[x][leftY].pos)
// If you are unfamiliar with how to calculate normals
// search for vector cross product, this is used to find
// a vector that is orthogonal to two other vectors, in our
// case perpendicular to the surface
let normal = cross(
// Create scene element
let gsGeometry = SCNGeometrySource(vertices: vertsStream)
let gsNormals = SCNGeometrySource(normals: normalStream)
let geometryElement = SCNGeometryElement(indices: trisStream, primitiveType: .triangles)
let geometryFinal = SCNGeometry(sources: [gsGeometry, gsNormals], elements: [geometryElement])
let node = SCNNode(geometry: geometryFinal)
let mat = SCNMaterial()
mat.isDoubleSided = true
mat.lightingModel = .blinn
node.geometry?.materials = [mat]
return node