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Changing the size of slider jumps for mouse click scrolls

When a user click the empty space (the sliding space) of the slider, the slider jumps. Although I have set 31 steps (by setting the slider step size), still there are only 3 jumps when mouse clicking on the empty spaces of the slider which gives big shifts [21 11 1 values on each click].

I want to make smaller shifts/jumps when clicking on the empty space of the slider. The picture explains the empty space as and jumps. I could not find any option to set this functionality in slider's settings.

I have the following settings

handles.output = hObject;
% % Update slider1 value
guidata(hObject, handles);
maxSliderValue = length(ihist);
minSliderValue = 1;
theRange = maxSliderValue - minSliderValue;
steps = [1/theRange, 10/theRange];
set(handles.slider1, 'SliderStep', steps,'value',1);

As the total steps are 31 in this case, therefore the slider should not move completely in 3 steps/clicks.

enter image description here


  • You might have misunderstood how the the SliderStep setting works. Quoting from the documentation:

    Slider step size, specified as the array, [minorstep majorstep]. This property controls the magnitude of the slider value change when the user clicks the arrow buttons or the slider trough (slider channel):

    • minorstep is the fraction of the slider range by which the Value property increases or decreases when the user clicks one of the arrow buttons.

    • majorstep is the fraction of the slider range by which the Value property increases or decreases when the user clicks the slider trough.

    In your example, [minorstep majorstep] is [1/theRange, 10/theRange] (or [1/30 1/3] numerically), which means that you need exactly (1/3)^-1 == 3 clicks to traverse the entire range. If you want 30 clicks to be required (note that you have 1 fewer intervals than slider positions, |--|--|), change majorstep to 1/theRange as well.