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Symfony4.1 Doctrine ManyToMany Reduce No of Queries

I'm working on a project. Entity are Blog,Category,Tags. Blog and Tags are in ManyToMany Relation. My repository query to fetch data by Tags filter is.


 * @return BlogPost[]
public function getAllActivePostsByTags($value, $order = "DESC", $currentPage = 1, $limit = 10)
    $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
        // ->select('p','t')
        ->innerJoin('p.blogTags', 't')
        ->where('t.slug = :val')
        ->setParameter('val', $value)
        ->orderBy('', $order)

    $paginator = $this->paginate($query, $currentPage, $limit);

    return $paginator;

This code works fine. All the tags(No of tags in a post)are displayed correctly. But the No of DB Query is 14. Then When I uncomment select as this,


 * @return BlogPost[]
public function getAllActivePostsByTags($value, $order = "DESC", $currentPage = 1, $limit = 10)
    $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
        ->innerJoin('p.blogTags', 't')
        ->where('t.slug = :val')
        ->setParameter('val', $value)
        ->orderBy('', $order)

    $paginator = $this->paginate($query, $currentPage, $limit);

    return $paginator;

No of Query is 9. But The Tags per Post is only one(Not displaying all the tags of a single post).

To be clear info:

  • It displays entire list of BlogPost.
  • But not all Tags of a Post.
  • Only one Tag per Post is shown.

Question: Is code1 is correct (No of DB Query = 14) or Do I have to tweak little bit to reduce no of DB Hits. Please guide me on this.


  • Thanks @Jannes Botis for refresh. But in my case the code itself is wrong. There need a slight change in it.


     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="BlogPost", mappedBy="blogTags")
    private $blogPosts;


     * @var Collection|BlogTags[]
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="BlogTags", inversedBy="blogPosts", cascade={"refresh"})
     * @ORM\JoinTable(
     *  name="fz__blog_n_tag",
     *  joinColumns={
     *      @ORM\JoinColumn(name="blog_id", referencedColumnName="id")
     *  },
     *  inverseJoinColumns={
     *      @ORM\JoinColumn(name="tag_id", referencedColumnName="id")
     *  }
     * )
     * @ORM\OrderBy({"name": "ASC"})
    private $blogTags;

    This created the join_table. Allready I have a join_table. Although This code is for reference to someone.


    // This is my old Code
    $bp = $em->getRepository('App:BlogPost')->getAllActivePostsByTags($slug, "DESC", $page, self::PAGE_LIMIT);
    // This is my New Code
    $bp = $em->getRepository('App:BlogTags')->getAllActivePostsByTags($slug, "DESC", $page, self::PAGE_LIMIT);


    public function getAllActivePostsByTags($value, $order = "DESC", $currentPage = 1, $limit = 10)
            $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('t')
                ->innerJoin('t.blogPosts', 'p')
                ->innerJoin('p.blogTags', 'tx')
                ->where('p.isActive = :val1')
                ->andWhere('t.slug = :val2')
                ->setParameter('val1', true)
                ->setParameter('val2', $value)
                ->orderBy('', $order)
            $paginator = $this->paginate($query, $currentPage, $limit);
            return $paginator;

    I not changed my old twig file completely. As it throws error at many places. Because now i'm using tags repo instead of blog. So i modified the twig with

    {% include 'frontend/page/blog_home.html.twig' with { 'bp':bp|first.blogPosts } %}

    Help me on this (twig file): There is only one tag, that's why |first twig filter Clarify me with this twig filter. Do I'm doing right. Give me suggestion to improve on it. I tried bp[0] This trows error.

    Finally: By using old code in controller it returns 14 db hits. Now it returns only 8. Even there are more tags in a post (but old one returns more).