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How to exclude package in given runtime profile in Spring Boot application

In my application I have two profiles dev and prod, I can exclude beans using org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile annotation:


public class MyService implements MyBaseService {}

The problem is, I have several beans which are annotated in such way, all of them are in same package Similar structure exists for dev profile ( package), and may in future I will have some additional profiles. Is there possibility to exclude whole package at once? I tried to play with org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan, but I was unable to add exclude filters depends on actual profile, I wonder if there is easy way to solve my problem.


  • You can implement a custom TypeFilter to disable ComponentScan for certain packages based on the active profile . A kick-start example is :

    (1) Implement the Filter. For demo purpose , I hard codes that if the active profile is dev , it will exclude the package configured by devExcludePackage property. For prod profile , it will exclude the package configured by prodExcludePackage :

    public class ExcludePackageTypeFilter implements TypeFilter , EnvironmentAware  {
        private Environment env;
        public boolean match(MetadataReader metadataReader, MetadataReaderFactory metadataReaderFactory)
                throws IOException {
            boolean match = false;
            for (String activeProfile : env.getActiveProfiles()) {
                if (activeProfile.equals("dev")) {
                    match = isClassInPackage(metadataReader.getClassMetadata(), env.getProperty("devExcludePackage"));
                } else if (activeProfile.equals("prod")) {
                    match = isClassInPackage(metadataReader.getClassMetadata(), env.getProperty("prodExcludePackage"));
            return match;
        private boolean isClassInPackage(ClassMetadata classMetadata, String pacakage) {
            return classMetadata.getClassName().startsWith(pacakage);
        public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
            this.env = environment;

    (2) Configure to define which packages to exclude for different profiles.

    devExcludePackage  =
    prodExcludePackage =

    (3) Apply this filter to @ComponentScan :

    @ComponentScan(excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(
                    type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = { ExcludePackageTypeFilter.class }))
    public class Application {