I have a Prism WPF application which failed to load one of its modules when I deployed it (due to a database problem). On my development machine, I can see the relevant exceptions being thrown (and apparently caught and handled by Prism) in the Output window of Visual Studio.
I was able to solve the immediate problem by doing this:
public MyModuleViewConstructor()
// some startup work here
// ...
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "A System Error Occurred.");
Which surfaces the error in production so that I can take action on it. But I would still like to obtain the messages from any exceptions that are thrown during normal operations, So, in the spirit of Prism's way of doing things, I did this:
public class Logger : ILoggerFacade
public void Log(string message, Category category, Priority priority)
using (StreamWriter s = File.AppendText("Log.txt"))
s.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}-{1}: {2}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.ffff"), priority.ToString(), message));
And registered it in the Bootstrapper:
class Bootstrapper : DryIocBootstrapper
private readonly Logger _logger = new Logger();
protected override ILoggerFacade CreateLogger()
return _logger;
This works splendidly for normal log entries such as debug logging. But it still does not log any exceptions thrown within my application.
How do I get Prism to log thrown exceptions in my application?
When navigating, all exceptions that occur during view and/or view model creation are caught by the region manager. Those are not logged by default (although this would be a cool feature).
You can, however, be notified about the exception and log it yourself or react otherwise.
To do that, navigate through one of the IRegionManager.RequestNavigate( ..., Action<NavigationResult> navigationCallback )
overloads. The navigationCallback
will be passed a result object that contains any exception in the NavigationResult.Error