Problem: I'm trying to write a MDX query that will show the first date a member has measure values.
Data obstacles: 1. I don't have access to the data warehouse/source data 2. I can't request any physical calcs or CUBE changes
Looking for: I know this goes against what a CUBE should be doing, but is there any way to achieve this result. I'm running into locking conflicts and general run time issues.
Background: After some trial and error. I have a working query but sadly it's only is practical when filtered for <10 employees. I've tried some looping but there are ~60k employee ids in the cube with each one having 10-20 emp keys (one for each change in their employee info).
//must have values for measure 1 or 2
set NE_measures as
[Measures].[measure1] ,
//first date with measure values for each unique emp key
MEMBER [Measures].[changedate] AS
NonEmpty([Dim Date].[Date].[Date].allMEMBERS, NE_measures)
SELECT non empty {[Measures].[changedate]} ON COLUMNS,
non empty [Dim Employee].[Emp Key].[Emp Key].allmembers ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
Try this:
MEMBER [Measures].[changedate] AS
[Dim Date].[Date].[Date].allMEMBERS,
OR NOT(ISEMPTY([Measures].[measure2])),
[Dim Date].[Date].CurrentMember.MemberValue,
I’m assuming the KeyColumn or ValueColumn is more likely to sort properly than the name. So if MemberValue
doesn’t work then try Member_Key
The most efficient way of accomplishing this would be to add a date column in the fact table with measure 1 and measure 2 then create a AggregateFunction=Min measure on it. But you said you couldn’t change the cube so I didn’t propose that superior option.