Here is the question I need to create a panel that apear on the app by clicking on the naviagationItemRightBarButton. this panel contains labels btn etc... I tried to do it using a UIPopover but I think that only works for ipad app.
public UIPopoverController CustomPopover;
FilterSortController newpanel = new FilterSortController();
//FilterSortController is UIViewController
CustomPopover = new UIPopoverController(newpanel);
CustomPopover.PresentFromBarButtonItem (this.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem , UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, true);
and after that I overried the ViewDidLoad of the FilterSortController
ContentSizeForViewInPopover = new System.Drawing.SizeF(320,110);
There is no way to create a Popover for iphone using monotouch. thanks for the help
UIPopoverController is not supported on iPhone. You would have to write your own custom controller and view to get this functionality. There is a open source implementation in ObjC here which you could btouch or port.