hi I am sort of new to py2neo which is supposed to be supported by neo4j community
I just wanted to do a
graph.run("MATCH (a) - [:{x}]-> (b) WHERE b.name = {y}
RETURN b.name " ).to_table()
but wanted to use two variables x,y
in run() which I could pass onto using as a function parameter in python, wasn't able to find out any sort of documentation on this.
Would really appreciate some direction or help
Cypher doesn't accept relationship types as query parameters.
You can not pass x as a parameter here, I would suggest you create a query string in python with x as a parameter and then pass y as a parameter in a run().
Something like:
query_string = "MATCH (a) - [:%s]-> (b) WHERE b.name = {y} RETURN b.name " % (x)
And pass y as a parameter to run() method:
graph.run(query_string, {"y":y}).to_table()