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Dynamically select LINQ SELECT fields at runtime

I have a LINQ query to a database, with multiple linked tables, and need to return (SELECT) different fields depending on inputs.

ClassA has ParamA, ParamB, and ICollection<ClassB>ClassBs
ClassB has ParamD, ParamE

Portion of the Linq query:

.Select(c => new ClassA()
    ParamA = c.ParamA,
    ParamB = c.ParamB,
    ClassBs = c.ClassBs.Select(p => new ClassB()
        ParamD = p.ParamD,
        ParamE = p.ParamE

On some calls, I'll want ParamA and ParamE only. On other calls, perhaps ParamB and ParamE. I've been able to make this work using Expressions but not for the ICollection. I attempted using Dynamic.Linq.Core, but couldn't find any examples for newing up in the SELECT. I would prefer to do this with MemberExpressions...

[UPDATE] A bit more context: ClassA and ClassB are essentially EF Models pointing to SQL tables. ClassA has a one-to-many relationship to ClassB, thus, why I query them in this fashion. ClassA would be a Student record (name, address, home, etc), ClassB would be a Test record, where student may have more than one test, each test has date taken, grade, highest_score_of_class, lowest_score_of_class, and many more.

I don't always want all the fields of both tables, as there may be 1 million records, thus, why I prefer to SELECT only what is needed for the specific query and operation requested.


  • This may be a bit verbose, but Expressions can get that way, for example:

    var typeClassA = typeof(ClassA);
    var typeClassB = typeof(ClassB);
    var parameterExpressionP = Expression.Parameter(typeClassB, "p");
    var newExpression = Expression.New(typeClassB);
    var paramDPropertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterExpressionP, "ParamD");
    var paramDMemberBinding = Expression.Bind(typeClassB.GetProperty("ParamD"), paramDPropertyExpression);
    var paramEPropertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterExpressionP, "ParamE");
    var paramEMemberBinding = Expression.Bind(typeClassB.GetProperty("ParamE"), paramEPropertyExpression);
    var memberInitExpression = Expression.MemberInit(
        paramDMemberBinding, paramEMemberBinding);
    var projectionExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<ClassB, ClassB>>(memberInitExpression, parameterExpressionP);
    var parameterExpressionC = Expression.Parameter(typeClassA, "c");
    var selectParamExpression = Expression.Property(parameterExpressionC, "ClassBs");
    var selectExpression = Expression.Call(
        new[] { typeClassB, typeClassB },
        selectParamExpression, projectionExpression);
    var toListExpression = Expression.Call(
        new[] { typeClassB },

    This will create an expression something like:

    c.ClassBs.Select(p => new ClassB() {ParamD = p.ParamD, ParamE = p.ParamE}).ToList()