I would like to use pcregrep with its --color option to highlight text that follows a particular pattern:
e.g. if file.txt contains:
bob says hi
chloe says hello
then running:
pcregrep --color '(?:says)(.*)' file.txt
bob says hi
chloe says hello
but what I want is:
bob says hi
chloe says hello
Is there a way to use pcregrep and have it only highlight text that follows a particular regular expression?
The answer appears to be no, you cannot color only part of a match, even if it's non-capturing with (?:..)
as in your example.
But if you instead use a positive lookbehind assertion, which anchors the match but is not part of it, you can achieve what you want:
pcregrep --color '(?<=says)(.*)' data