How to make peewee put ids of related table rows into additional list-like field into resulting query?
I want to make duplicates detecting manager for media files. For each file on my PC I have record in database with fields like
File name, Size, Path, SHA3-512, Perceptual hash, Tags, Comment, Date added, Date changed, etc...
Depending on the situation I want to use different patterns to be used to consider records in table as duplicates.
In the most simple case I want just to see all records having the same hash, so I
subq = > 1)
subq = subq.alias('jq')
q =, on=(Record.SHA == q.c.SHA)).order_by(Record.SHA)
for r in q:
and everything is fine. But there are lot of cases when I want to use different sets of table columns as grouping patterns. So in the worst case I use all of them except id and "Date added" column to detect exact duplicating rows in database, when I just readded the same file for few times which leads to the monster like
subq =, Record.Name, Record.Date, Record.Size, Record.Tags).group_by(Record.SHA, Record.Name, Record.Date, Record.Size, Record.Tags).having(peewee.fn.Count() > 1)
subq = subq.alias('jq')
q =, on=(Record.SHA == q.c.SHA and Record.Name == q.c.Name and Record.Date == q.c.Date and Record.Size == q.c.Size and Record.Tags == q.c.Tags)).order_by(Record.SHA)
for r in q:
and this is not the full list of my fields, just example. Same thing I have to do for other patterns of sets of fields, i.e. duplicating it's list 3 times in select clause, grouping clause of subquery and then listing them all again in joining clause.
I wish I could just group the records with appropriate pattern and peewee would just list ids of all the members of each group into new list field like, SOME_MAJIC.alias('duplicates')).group_by(Record.SHA, Record.Name, Record.Date, Record.Size, Record.Tags).having(peewee.fn.Count() > 1).SOME_ANOTHER_MAJIC
for r in q:
process_group_of_records(r) # r.duplicates == [23, 44, 45, 56, 100], for example
How can I do this? Listing the same parameters trice I really feel like I do something wrong.
You can use GROUP_CONCAT (or for postgres, array_agg) to group and concatenate a list of ids/filenames, whatever.
So for files with the same hash:
query = (Record
.select(Record.sha, fn.GROUP_CONCAT('id_list'))
.having(fn.COUNT( > 1))
This is a relational database. So you're dealing all the time, everywhere, with tables consisting of rows and columns. There's no "nesting". GROUP_CONCAT is about as close as you can get.