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LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor on CRAN Debian builds

Just a quick preface, I have looked into all the other stackoverflow comments I can find related to this error and cannot still correct or identify my issue based on existing posts.

I am currently having an issue getting past a warning that's occurring on linux based builds for my vignette. The warning is:

LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor.

The check results are here:

Windows and OS X builds work fine, but I don't have access to a debian machine that I can reproduce this on. I currently cannot reproduce this issue on my side, and travis-ci checks do not seem to produce this warning for linux on ubuntu. I can only see it currently when submitting an update to my package and failing the auto-checks.

I have recently changed from PDF vignette to html-based, and am not sure why packages would even be loading in this case. I have attempted to correct for it based on this post, which claims the issue is a conflict between kableExtra and xcolor.

Some relevant sections of code from the vignette might include:

vignette: |

```{r loadData, echo = F, eval = TRUE}
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir ='../vignettes/')`
a4width<- 8.3
a4height<- 11.7

options(knitr.table.format = "html") 
options(kableExtra.latex.load_packages = FALSE)

The full package code can be found here:

I would appreciate any insight anyone can offer into this issue, as I cannot update my package until I get to the bottom of this! Thanks very much in advance!


  • As it turns out, the answer is to remove the following lines:


    These are LaTeX lines apparently and on debian cran builds are causing the above problem.