I just ran into an interesting situation where I have a submit <button>
inside the Shadow DOM of a native custom element that is placed inside a <form>
<form id="one" action="" method="get">
I also have a <button>
as a direct child of the <form>
The child <button>
causes the form to submit.
But the <button>
in the shadow-root does not.
In a way I guess this makes sense. But has anyone figured out a way to tell the shadow-root <button>
to work correctly with the <form>
or is this something I will have to handle through JS?
I know click events are blocked at the Shadow DOM layer, but I am surprised that there is no way to allow the button to still be a part of the form, something that can be set up through an attribute or a property.
Sure I can capture the click event and then send a new one from this
but that does not do the same thing since my event will no longer be user generated and there are a huge set of rules associated with that.
You'll have to handle it through Javascript anyway.
A simple solution is to add a (masked) <button>
in the light DOM, and transfer the click
event to it.
customElements.define( 's-button', class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.attachShadow( {mode: 'open'})
.innerHTML = `<button>In Shadow</button>`
var submit = this.appendChild( document.createElement( 'button' ) )
this.onclick = () => submit.click()
} )
<form onsubmit="console.log('submitted');return false">