Hi Experts, I am following https://open.sap.com/courses/s4h13/items/258qEhXx5kdG8b4SXMSJYp tutorial, after deploying the app I am getting 404 for my servlets in approuter application while same servets are giving me 'http 401' in 'address-manager' as expected. has anyone done this successfully? if so then please guide me in the right direction. I have gone through everything I could think of, but I can't get past this issue.
xs-app.json file content
"welcomeFile": "index.html",
"routes": [
"source": "^/api/(.*)",
"target": "/api/$1",
"destination": "app-destination"
"source": "^/address-manager/(.*)",
"target": "/address-manager/$1",
"destination": "app-destination"
"logout" : {
"logoutEndpoint": "/logout",
"logoutPage": "/logout.html"
The destinations
environment variable of the approuter on SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry needs to reference the URL(s) at which you reach the application(s) that you want to access via the route(s) defined in the approuter. (Not to be confused with the destinations
environment variable that you may be using as a placeholder in athe backend application built with the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK.)
In your case, this should probably be some URL pointing to the address-manager, your target application. In the example value mentioned in your comment, you point to the mock server instead, which is probably not what you want.
Change the destinations
environment variable to the following and push / restart the application again. (Insert the URL that points to your address manager application deployment.)
[{"name":"app-destination", "url" :"address-manager-<random text>.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com/", "forwardAuthToken": true}]
The fact that you can login and logout despite the misconfigured destination is expected, because those paths are actually served by the approuter itself.