When using long breadcrumbs e.g. text-overflow: ellipsis;
, Firefox behaves differently from Chrome and Internet Explorer.
First I had to create special conditions to target specifically Firefox, like display: inline-flex;
to make the text show, but the ellipsis still don't show.
for Chrome and IE:
.easy-breadcrumb {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
max-width: 860px;
/* Required for text-overflow to do anything */
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
#path .menu-breadcrumb,
#path .easy-breadcrumb {
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: -5px;
for Firefox
@supports (-moz-appearance:none) {
.easy-breadcrumb {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
@supports (-moz-appearance:none) {
#path .menu-breadcrumb,
#path .easy-breadcrumb {
display: inline-flex;
white-space: nowrap;
max-width: 860px;
The text is now showing on all browsers, except the ...
after the max-width of 860px on Firefox. Do you see a reason for this?
If I remove the span in yellow and green, it will work with the above code, but I don't know if it's possible to remove it in Drupal for some reason.
I was able to reproduce your issue. Turns out the issue was with the display:inline-block;
property. Below is the part that I modified:
#breadcrumbs a,
#breadcrumbs span {
/*display: inline-block;*/
text-decoration: none;
Here is the updated CodePen.