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Storing dynamic Pivot result into a temporary table in SQL Server

I have the following schema and sample data.

create table MyTable
    Id int,
    Year int,
    Channel varchar(10),
    Payments int

insert into MyTable values 

Now I want to create and insert dynamic pivot data in a temporary table. I am able to create the pivot data as the demo here.

But I want to store this data into a temporary table. What I have tried is as below.

Declare @SQL varchar(max) = '    
if object_id(''tempdb..##TempTable'') is not null
    drop table ##TempTable

create table ##TempTable([Id] int null, ' + 
            Stuff((Select Distinct ','+QuoteName(Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year)) + ' Varchar(20) null'            
            From [dbo].MyTable
            Order By 1 
            For XML Path('')),1,1,'')+ ')
Select *
 From (
        Select A.Id
         From  [dbo].[MyTable] A
         Cross Apply ( values ( Id, Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year)
                     )) B (Item,Value)
      ) S
 Pivot (sum([Payments]) For Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year) in 
 (' + Stuff((Select Distinct ','+QuoteName(Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year))                                                               
                                               From [dbo].MyTable
                                               Order By 1 
                                               For XML Path('')),1,1,'')  + ') ) p'

select @SQL


SELECT * FROM ##TempTable

It is giving me the following error.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 18 Incorrect syntax near '+'.

When printing the dynamic query it is giving the following result.

if object_id('tempdb..##TempTable') is not null  
    drop table ##TempTable  
create table ##TempTable([Id] int null, [HV2012] Varchar(20) null,[HV2013] Varchar(20) null,[HV2014] Varchar(20) null,[NL2012] Varchar(20) null)  
INSERT INTO ##TempTable  
    Select *   From ( Select A.Id ,B.* From  [dbo].[MyTable] A 
        Cross Apply ( values ( Id, Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year) )) B (Item,Value) ) S   
        Pivot (sum([Payments]) For Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year) in ([HV2012],[HV2013],[HV2014],[NL2012]) ) p


  • If you are using apply then why you need further same logic in PIVOT (i.e. Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year)) which is already available in apply.

    So, i would use Value instead in PIVOT :

    . . . 
    Pivot (sum([Payments]) For [Value] in ([HV2012],[HV2013],[HV2014],[NL2012]) ) p,

    So, your updated Dynamic SQL would be :

    Declare @SQL varchar(max) = '    
    if object_id(''tempdb..##TempTable'') is not null
        drop table ##TempTable
    create table ##TempTable([Id] int null, ' + 
                Stuff((Select Distinct ','+QuoteName(Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year)) + ' Varchar(20) null'            
                From [dbo].MyTable
                Order By 1 
                For XML Path('')),1,1,'')+ ')
    INSERT INTO ##TempTable
    Select *
     From (
            Select A.ID, A.Payments
             From  [dbo].MyTable a 
             Cross Apply ( values ( Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year)
                         )) B ([Value])
          ) S
     Pivot (sum([Payments]) For [Value] in 
     (' + Stuff((Select Distinct ','+QuoteName(Channel + CONVERT(Varchar(4), Year))                                                               
                                                   From #tm
                                                   Order By 1 
                                                   For XML Path('')),1,1,'')  + ') ) p'
    print @sql
    SELECT * FROM ##TempTable

    I have made no of changes as there are many correction needs to be done prior to execution.