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SQL Query to replace multiple values in template from many-to-many table

I want to translate a template in an sql query. Lets assume there are the following fourtables: state, stateProperty, state_stateproperty and translation:


|      state_id       | stateproperties_id |
|          1          |        2           |
|          1          |        3           |


|  id  |     key      |      value       |
|  2   | ${firstName} |      John        |
|  3   | ${lastName}  |      Doe         |


|  id  |  template    |
|  1   |  template    |


|  language  |  messageId   |             value               |
|  en        |  template    | ${lastName}, ${firstName} alarm |

The aim is to get a new entity named translatedstate that includes the translated template of the state. In this example the translated template would look like: "Doe, John alarm". How can you join a many to many table in native sql and translate the template of the state with the values of its related state properties?


  • To be honest I would create a little function where I would loop through your state_property and cumulative replace the found wildcard string with its text.

    But I had some fun to solve it in a query. I am not sure if it matches all special cases but for your example it works:


        string_agg(                                                           -- 8
            regexp_replace(split_key, '^.*\}', value),                        -- 7
            '' ORDER BY row_number
    FROM (
            substring(key, 3) as s_key,                                       -- 5
        FROM translation t
        JOIN statechange sc ON t.messageid = sc.completemessagetemplateid     -- 1
        JOIN state s ON = sc.state_id
        JOIN state_stateproperty ssp ON = ssp.state_id
        JOIN stateproperty sp ON ssp.stateproperties_id =
        JOIN translation stnme ON s.nameid = stnme.messageid
        CROSS JOIN                                        
            regexp_split_to_table(                                            -- 3   
                -- 2
                replace(t.messagetranslation, '${state}', stnme.messagetranslation),
            ) WITH ORDINALITY as split_table(split_key, row_number)           -- 4
        WHERE t.language = 'en'
    ) s
    WHERE position(s_key in split_key) = 0 and split_key != ''                -- 6
    GROUP BY id                                                               -- 8
    1. Simple join the tables together (for next time you could simplify your example a little bit so that we don't have to create these different table. I am sure you know how to join)
    2. Hardly replace the ${state} variable with the state nameid
    3. This splits the template string every time a ${ string is found. So it creates a new row which begins a certain wildcard. Note that ${firstName} would become firstName} because the string delimiter is being deleted.
    4. Adding a row count to get a criteria how the rows are ordered when I aggregate them later (8). WITH ORDINALITY only works as part of the FROM clause so the whole function it has been added here with a join.
    5. Because of (3) I strip the ${ part from the keys as well. So it can be better parsed and compared later (in 6)
    6. Because (3) creates too much rows (cross join) I want only these where the key is the first wildcard of my split string. All others are wrong.
    7. Now I replace the wildcard with this key
    8. Because we have only one wildcard per row we need to merge them together into one string again (grouped by state_id). The achieve the right order, we are using the row number from (5)