I have a two level nested FormGroup.
I pass by @Input an FormGroup to the first child component network myForm.get('network')
Inside the component network i pass by @Input a sub FormGroup network?.get('proxy')
in another component (proxy component).
this.myForm = fb.group({
id: [null],
network: fb.group({
status: [true],
proxy: fb.group({ enable: [true] })
Parent component => myForm
child network component => myForm.get('network')
ngOnChanges trigger
sub child proxy component => myForm.get('network')
ngOnChanges not trigger
ps: i use on each child the ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
But i seems when i reset from my parent (myForm) myForm.reset()
, he reset just one sub level in network component, but not in the proxy sub child component.
How i could chain this reset from the root tho the sub child ?
I tried pass the formGroup in a observale and async the result, but to complex use it in my all structure.
My idee is:
Call From Network the child proxy with @ViewChild
and reset from there but look that weird for me.
Is a better solution ?
You're not getting the reset on the child components due to ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
There are two ways of updating the children forms:
(emit children a reset has just happened through a Subject/Observable combo)reset()
Because of the two nested components, I suggest to take option 1 and let the children be responsible to reflect the changes.
Here is a working example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-pskaws