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How to expand current filename without 'test' in vimscript or UltiSnips

I'm writing a snippet in which I need to get the current file name in vimscript. I can do this happily with expand('%:t:r') (as shown here). However, I'd like to not only exclude '.js' from the filename, but also '.test'.


If in myName.test.js, I would like to grab 'myName'

If in myName.js, I would also like to grab 'myName'

I'm doing this to create an UltiSnips snippet so other methods (e.g. regex) would also be useful


  • The :t and :r are filename modifiers. If you follow :help filename-modifiers, there's also a nifty (but little known) :s?pat?sub? modifier that can perform substitutions. As this can be combined with the other modifiers, all you need to do is match .test anchored to the end of the filename:

    :echo expand('%:t:r:s?\.test$??')

    There's no error if the substitution fails, so there's no need to make the match optional (via \?).