Hi i'm trying to create an Observable that will have values emitted to it from another subscription, it this case an ngrx Store Reducer.
export class IsolatedAgentService {
missionList$: Observable<any>; // I need this observables subscription to emit to calculatedValue$
calculatedValue$:Observable<any>; // I need this observable to get its values from the subscription of missionList$ subscription
private _store:Store<any>
this.missionList$ = this._store.select(root_reducers.getMissionList).pipe(skip(1));
this.missionList$.subscribe((val:any)=> {
let mostIsolatedCountry:any; //will hold value of calculation
this.missionList = val;
mostIsolatedCountry = this.getMostIsolatedCountry(this.missionList);
// I want tot emit mostIsolatedCountry to another subscription
What I'm trying to do:
export class IsolatedAgentService {
missionList$: Observable<any>;
calculatedValue$:Observable<any> = Observable.create((observer)=>{
// moved this line here from the previous missionList$ subscription
let calculated:any = this.getMostIsolatedCountry(this.missionList);
private _store:Store<any>
this.missionList$ = this._store.select(root_reducers.getMissionList).pipe(skip(1));
this.missionList$.subscribe((val:any)=> {
let mostIsolatedCountry:any;
this.missionList = val;
this.calculatedValue = value;
Currently, I'm basically seting a class property in one subscription, then inside that same subscription, after setting the class property, I'm calling the second subscription which calculates the value from that set class property.
This does not feel right, and I'm sure its not the way to do it, but I'm lacking in my rxjs/observable knowledge at this point.
Note! Im not interested in emiting the calculated value trough a Store Action, I want an Observable that is specific to the class instance.
Here's the answer to your question:
export class IsolatedAgentService {
missionList$: Observable<Mission[]>;
private _store:Store<any>
this.missionList$ = this._store.select(root_reducers.getMissionList).pipe(skip(1));
this.calculatedValue$ = this.missionList$.pipe(
map( missions => this.getMostIsolatedCountry(missions) )
or even
this.calculatedValue$ = this.missionList$.pipe(
map( this.getMostIsolatedCountry )
See more about NGRX facades: https://medium.com/@thomasburleson_11450/ngrx-facades-better-state-management-82a04b9a1e39
Why you arent exposing & using observables why even subscribe in a service?
export class IsolatedAgentService {
missionList$: Observable<Mission[]>;
private _store:Store<any>
this.missionList$ = this._store.select(root_reducers.getMissionList).pipe(skip(1));
this.calculatedValue$ = this._store.select(root_reducers.getMissionCalculatedValue).pipe(skip(1));
And a selector for doing that calculation you need.
export const getMissionCalculatedValue= createSelector(
(missionList) => {
// do the calculations here
return calculationResult;