I have a TStringGrid where I will type in each column a value and I need a mask for the value to appear as a percentage, I am a beginner with Delphi but I saw that there is an OnGetEditMask method but I do not know how to create a mask for the percentage ... then I go manipulate this value into a variable of type Double. Example I enter 5,4 and with the mask gets 5,4%
Then how do I get the list data into Double?
You are correctly assigning the Value
parameter in the OnGetEditMask
event (assuming your regional settings use decimal comma and not decimal point), repeated here for completeness:
procedure TForm1.StringGrid1GetEditMask(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
var Value: string);
if (ACol = 0) or (ACol = 1) then
Value := '99,9%';
Then, to convert the string content of the cell to a double
, you need to remove the percent sign from the string before you pass it to, e.g. StrToFloatDef()
For example:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
s: string;
d: double;
b: boolean;
b := False;
s := StringGrid1.Cells[1, 1];
if s <> '' then
if s[Length(s)] = '%' then
s := copy(s, 1, Length(s)-1);
b := true;
d := StrToFloatDef(s, 0.0);
if b then d := d / 100;