Test cases:
// With text and comment
NSLocalizedString(@"Example Text", @"Example Comment");
// With text and no comment
NSLocalizedString(@"Example, text", nil)
// With text and comment with paranthesis
NSLocalizedString(@"Example text", @"Example (with paranthesis) comment")
// With property and no comment
NSLocalizedString(test, nil)
// With property and comment
NSLocalizedString(test, @"Example comment")
// Inline
NSLocalizedString(@"Error", nil) NSLocalizedString(@"Change settings", @"Option to change HTTP Post settings") NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil)
What I'm looking for: one match per NSLocalizedString
occurance, with two capture groups (key and comment). Key may have a value or be nil
What I've tried: r'NSLocalizedString\((.*)\s*,\s*(.*)\)'
This works for most of the cases, except for the last one (Inline) because it matches at the last comma.
Regex101: https://regex101.com/r/4OJgU2/6
You may solve the problem using
and the replacement
r'NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], \1, \2)'
- NSLocalizedString(
- 0+ whitespaces(@\"[^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*\"|\w+)
- Group 1:
- @"
followed with 0+ chars other than "
and \
followed with 0+ repetitions of any escaped char followed with 0+ chars other than "
and \
and then a "
(it is the Obj-C string literal matching pattern)|
- or\w+
- 1+ word chars\s*,\s*
- ,
enclosed with 0+ whitespaces(@\"[^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*\"|\w+)
- Group 2\)
- a )
char.See the Python demo:
import re
strs = ['NSLocalizedString(@"Example Text", @"Example Comment");', 'NSLocalizedString(@"Example, text", nil)', 'NSLocalizedString(@"Example text", @"Example (with paranthesis) comment")', 'NSLocalizedString(test, nil)', 'NSLocalizedString(test, @"Example comment")', 'NSLocalizedString(@"Error", nil) NSLocalizedString(@"Change settings", @"Option to change HTTP Post settings") NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil)']
pat = re.compile(r'NSLocalizedString\(\s*(@\"[^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*\"|\w+)\s*,\s*(@\"[^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*\"|\w+)\)', re.DOTALL)
repl = r'NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], \1, \2)'
for s in strs:
res = pat.sub(repl, s)
NSLocalizedString(@"Example Text", @"Example Comment");
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], @"Example Text", @"Example Comment");
NSLocalizedString(@"Example, text", nil)
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], @"Example, text", nil)
NSLocalizedString(@"Example text", @"Example (with paranthesis) comment")
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], @"Example text", @"Example (with paranthesis) comment")
NSLocalizedString(test, nil)
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], test, nil)
NSLocalizedString(test, @"Example comment")
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], test, @"Example comment")
NSLocalizedString(@"Error", nil) NSLocalizedString(@"Change settings", @"Option to change HTTP Post settings") NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil)
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], @"Error", nil) NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], @"Change settings", @"Option to change HTTP Post settings") NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"elementID", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], @"Cancel", nil)