I have a Laravel controller with DI in
__construct(Model1 $m1, Model2 $m2, $SomeService $s) {
$this->m1 = $m1;
$this->m2 = $m2;
$this->s = $s;
I have an API test with call or endpoint based on this controller. I'm doing 8 same API url calls with different payload. It seems z controller constructor process 1 time and after that works with constructed dependencies.
$response1 = $this->actingAs($admin,'api')->json('POST', '/api/someURL', $payload1);
$response2 = $this->actingAs($admin,'api')->json('POST', '/api/someURL', $payload2);
$responseN = $this->actingAs($admin,'api')->json('POST', '/api/someURL', $payloadN);
Can I somehow set dependencies before each API call in test?
You can unset the controller instance between request from the route using:
$response1 = $this->actingAs($admin,'api')->json('POST', '/api/someURL', $payload1);
// unset the controller
$this->app->get(Illuminate\Routing\Route::class)->controller = null;
$response2 = $this->actingAs($admin,'api')->json('POST', '/api/someURL', $payload2);
// unset the controller
$this->app->get(Illuminate\Routing\Route::class)->controller = null;
$responseN = $this->actingAs($admin,'api')->json('POST', '/api/someURL', $payloadN);
In Illuminate\Routing\Router Laravel binds the current route to the container:
protected function findRoute($request)
$this->current = $route = $this->routes->match($request);
$this->container->instance(Route::class, $route);
return $route;
and when the route controller is run in Illuminate\Routing\Route, the controller instance is stored in Route object:
public function getController()
if (! $this->controller) {
$class = $this->parseControllerCallback()[0];
$this->controller = $this->container->make(ltrim($class, '\\'));
return $this->controller;