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AppSync BatchDeleteItem not executes properly

I'm working on a React Native application with AppSync, and following is my schema to the problem:

type JoineeDeletedConnection {
    items: [Joinee]
    nextToken: String
type Mutation {
    deleteJoinee(ids: [ID!]): [Joinee]

In 'request mapping template' to resolver to deleteJoinee, I have following (following the tutorial from

#set($ids = [])
#foreach($id in ${ctx.args.ids})
    #set($map = {})
    $util.qr($map.put("id", $util.dynamodb.toString($id)))

    "version" : "2018-05-29",
    "operation" : "BatchDeleteItem",
    "tables" : {
        "JoineesTable": $util.toJson($ids)

..and in 'response mapping template' to the resolver,


The problem is, when I ran the query, I got empty result and nothing deleted to database as well:

// calling the query
mutation DeleteJoinee {
  deleteJoinee(ids: ["xxxx", "xxxx"])

// returns
  "data": {
    "deleteJoinee": [


  • I finally able to solve this puzzle, thanks to the answer mentioned here to point me to some direction.

    Although, I noticed that JoineesTable does have trusted entity/role to the IAM 'Roles' section, yet it wasn't working for some reason. Looking into this more, I noticed that the existing policy had following actions as default:

    "Action": [

    Once I added following two more actions to the list, things have started working:


    Thanks to @Vasileios Lekakis and @Ionut Trestian on this appSync quest )